Hammond Blues & BBQ Results:
(LA teams in BOLD)
Grand Champion:CHIX, SWINE & BOVINE Bbq
Reserve Champion: Lotta Bull BBQ
2 Lotta Bull BBQ
3 Rock River BBQ
4 Quau
5 Smoker's Wild
6 Habitual Smokers
7 Pop's Blazin' Smokers
8 The Long Dawgs
9 Swiggin' Pig
10 Bayou Boogie BBQ
11 Cool Smoke
12 Tee Wayne's Smoking Lipp
13 Smokin' Triggers
14 Bub-Ba-Q
15 Big Mo from Aho
16 Pellet Envy
17 Sweet Peppers
18 Gene's Special Blend
19 Smoke N the Rockies
20 Wing Bones
21 Big Bear Shootin' Smoke
22 Wild Bunch Butt Burners
23 Bib's N Rib's
24 She Thinks My Slabs R Se
25 Hog Wild & Pig Crazy
26 Jobeaz Blazin Butts & W
27 City Glass
28 S & S Cookers
30 Gettin' Piggy With It
31 Pork-n-Bones
32 Bayou Black Iron
33 BBQr's Delight
34 Throw Down Cookers
35 Fall City Smokers
36 Smokin' on the Tracks
37 Blazed & Confused
38 Who Dat Smokers
39 Smokin' Coonasses
40 Hot Ash Smokers
41 1st Time Grillers
42 Double D's of Indiana
43 The Meat Doctors
44 Daley's Pits
45 Bite & Booze
46 Ponchatoula Strawberry F
47 Egg Em On
48 TurboHoss
49 Pigs R Us
50 Makin' Smoke
1 Big Mo from Aho
3 Pop's Blazin' Smokers
4 Quau
5 Rock River BBQ
6 Swiggin' Pig
7 Big Bear Shootin' Smoke
8 Lotta Bull BBQ
9 The Long Dawgs
10 Smokin' on the Tracks
11 Wild Bunch Butt Burners
12 City Glass
13 Habitual Smokers
14 Bib's N Rib's
15 Gene's Special Blend
16 Pellet Envy
17 Smoke N the Rockies
18 Cool Smoke
19 Double D's of Indiana
20 Tee Wayne's Smoking Lipp
21 Bayou Boogie BBQ
22 Jobeaz Blazin Butts & Wi
23 Smokin' Coonasses
24 She Thinks My Slabs R Se
25 Wing Bones
26 Hog Wild & Pig Crazy
27 Daley's Pits
28 Makin' Smoke
29 Gettin' Piggy With It
30 Smoker's Wild
31 Smokin' Triggers
32 Bub-Ba-Q
33 The Meat Doctors
34 Blazed & Confused
35 Ponchatoula Strawberry F
37 Hot Ash Smokers
38 TurboHoss
39 Who Dat Smokers
40 Sweet Peppers
41 S & S Cookers
42 1st Time Grillers
43 Egg Em On
44 Fall City Smokers
45 Bayou Black Iron
46 Pork-n-Bones
47 BBQr's Delight
48 Bite & Booze
49 Pigs R Us
50 Throw Down Cookers
1 Smokin' Triggers
2 Tee Wayne's Smoking Lipp
3 Quau
4 She Thinks My Slabs R Se
5 Bayou Boogie BBQ
6 Lotta Bull BBQ
7 Hog Wild & Pig Crazy
8 Sweet Peppers
9 Pop's Blazin' Smokers
10 Bayou Black Iron
11 Pellet Envy
12 Smoker's Wild
13 Smoke N the Rockies
14 Bub-Ba-Q
16 Big Mo from Aho
17 S & S Cookers
19 Pork-n-Bones
20 Rock River BBQ
21 Wing Bones
22 Cool Smoke
23 Habitual Smokers
24 Throw Down Cookers
25 The Long Dawgs
26 Gettin' Piggy With It
27 Gene's Special Blend
28 Smokin' on the Tracks
29 Big Bear Shootin' Smoke
30 Double D's of Indiana
31 BBQr's Delight
32 Swiggin' Pig
33 Bib's N Rib's
34 Fall City Smokers
35 City Glass
36 Jobeaz Blazin Butts & Wi
37 Blazed & Confused
38 Who Dat Smokers
39 Wild Bunch Butt Burners
40 Hot Ash Smokers
41 Bite & Booze
42 Pigs R Us
43 The Meat Doctors
44 Daley's Pits
45 TurboHoss
46 Smokin' Coonasses
47 MPonchatoula Strawberry F
48 Egg Em On
49 1st Time Grillers
50 Makin' Smoke
1 Lotta Bull BBQ
2 Smoker's Wild
3 Rock River BBQ
4 Cool Smoke
5 Swiggin' Pig
6 Habitual Smokers
8 Habitual Smokers
9 Quau
10 She Thinks My Slabs R Se
11 Wing Bones
12 Bayou Boogie BBQ
13 BBQr's Delight
14 Pop's Blazin' Smokers
15 Smokin' Triggers
16 Wild Bunch Butt Burners
17 Jobeaz Blazin Butts & Wi
18 Bib's N Rib's
19 Makin' Smoke
20 Smoke N the Rockies
21 Tee Wayne's Smoking Lipp
22 The Long Dawgs
23 Sweet Peppers
24 Pellet Envy
25 S & S Cookers
26 Big Bear Shootin' Smoke
27 Smokin' Coonasses
28 Gene's Special Blend
29 The Meat Doctors
30 Blazed & Confused
31 Gettin' Piggy With It
32 Big Mo from Aho
33 Bayou Black Iron
34 Who Dat Smokers
35 Throw Down Cookers
36 1st Time Grillers
37 Hog Wild & Pig Crazy
38 Fall City Smokers
40 Egg Em On
41 Hot Ash Smokers
42 Double D's of Indiana
43 City Glass
44 Pork-n-Bones
45 Ponchatoula Strawberry F
46 Bite & Booze
47 Daley's Pits
48 TurboHoss
49 Smokin' on the Tracks
50 Pigs R Us
2 Smoker's Wild
3 Habitual Smokers
4 Gene's Special Blend
5 Lotta Bull BBQ
6 Rock River BBQ
7 The Long Dawgs
8 City Glass
9 Sweet Peppers
10 Big Bear Shootin' Smoke
11 Wild Bunch Butt Burners
12 Bub-Ba-Q
13 Fall City Smokers
14 Quau
15 Swiggin' Pig
16 Bib's N Rib's
17 Pork-n-Bones
19 Pop's Blazin' Smokers
20 Big Mo from Aho
21 Cool Smoke
22 Throw Down Cookers
23 Tee Wayne's Smoking Lipp
24 Pellet Envy
25 Gettin' Piggy With It
26 Wing Bones
27 Bayou Boogie BBQ
28 1st Time Grillers
29 Hog Wild & Pig Crazy
30 S & S Cookers
31 Smoke N the Rockies
32 Smokin' Triggers
33 Who Dat Smokers
34 Smokin' on the Tracks
35 Jobeaz Blazin Butts & Wi
36 Blazed & Confused
37 Bayou Black Iron
38 BBQr's Delight
39 Hot Ash Smokers
40 Bite & Booze
41 Daley's Pits
42 She Thinks My Slabs R Se
43 Smokin' Coonasses
44 Pigs R Us
45 Ponchatoula Strawberry F
46 TurboHoss
47 Egg Em On
48 Makin' Smoke
49 The Meat Doctors
50 Double D's of Indiana