Final Standings All Categories

(LA teams in bold)
Date: 9-5-09   No. of Cooks: 19
Name of Event: Keep our Heroes Safe    Location: Rayne, LA
Grand Champion: Robert Tonn, Black Cloud Smokers
Reserve Grand Champion: Don Tellman, This Butts 4 U
  Brisket  Ribs  Chicken Pork
 1Robert Tonn, Black Cloud Smokers 1Don Tellman, This Butts 4 U 1Don Tellman, This Butts 4 U 1Robert Tonn, Black Cloud Smokers
 2Don Tellman, This Butts 4 U 2Robert Tonn, Black Cloud Smokers 2Robert Tonn, Black Cloud Smokers 2Don Tellman, This Butts 4 U