About us
In all corners of the globe, there is a growing interest in barbecue. The Barbecue Competitors Alliance (BCA) was formed by like-minded individuals in the Fall 2014 for anyone with enthusiasm about barbecue. BCA is a 501c(4) non-profit organization dedicated to assisting the general public in promoting, cooking, enjoying, and teaching barbecue and related meat smoking techniques. BCA is dedicated to bringing traditional barbecue to the modern public in the form of being the sanctioning body of choice for high quality and low cost barbecue contests. BCA and its members provide assistance to a variety of civic and other charitable organizations in helping to organize, promote, and produce sanctioned barbecue contests. BCA and its members also help teach barbecue and related cooking techniques to the public.

BCA was founded by cooks and other interested persons to offer contest sanctioning in a fun, family-oriented environment. The central tenant for BCA is to give product feedback in terms of allowing cooks to see their contest scores, ability to taste the top ten finishing product boxes after awards, and using a feedback system in the form of comment cards. Judges at BCA contests are encouraged (and sometimes required) to give comments about the samples they taste, be those comments positive or negative. This process will aid the cookers in the journey to creating excellent barbecue. The ultimate goal of BCA is to spread the word about barbecue throughout the world and to improve the quality of all prepared meats cooked at its contests. In the final analysis, BCA is a cook-friendly sanctioning organization that strives for excellence. This is the reason BCA's motto is "Where Excellence Begins". Please visit BCA's website at http://www.bcabbq.org or contact BCA at info@bcabbq.org for additional information on America's newest and most innovative sanctioning body.

Contact us at these email addresses:

info@bcabbq.org - General information

president@bcabbq.org - Bob Zannini, President

vicepresident@bcabbq.org - Brady Baudin, Vice President

secretary@bcabbq.org - Lynn Hollerman, Secretary/Administrator

treasurer@bcabbq.org - Barry Smith, Treasurer

pastpresident@bcabbq.org - Andy Hollerman, Past President

BODmemberatlarge@bcabbq.org - Nakia White, BOD member

BODmember@bcabbq.org - Brian Lipps, BOD member

theoldgoat@yahoo.com - Adam Gautreau, BOD member

valleeac@gmail.com - Gerry Vallee, BOD member